How to Set Goals for Your Makeup Artist Career

How to Successfully Reach Your Makeup Industry Goals

Make-up Artistry can be competitive and it’s easy to feel stagnant or that other artists are achieving success quicker than you. Here are some tips to realign your makeup artist career and decide what’s next for YOU

1. Write your goals to ensure you have clear direction of what you want your future to be

There are many different types of make-up artist jobs, and it is important that you set goals that suit your interests and skills. For example, if you are interested in working with bridal clients, then you should focus on mastering the techniques for doing bridal makeup and pursue potential brides.If you are interested in working with celebrities, then you will need to focus on perfecting your skills at doing celebrity make-up styles and start approaching the production teams that hire for that area.

2. Put your new plan in writing by listing your goals and responsibilities

Be clear about planning what you need to do to be successful in achieving your goals. A list of your goals and responsibilities could include: 

-To achieve the goal of becoming a makeup artist, I must first learn how to apply makeup correctly and professionally.

-Attend a class in a specialist area to develop my skills.

-Practice applying professional make-up on family members and friends in order to get more experience.

-Spend at least 2 hours each week updating my social media and reaching out to potential clients.

3. Hold yourself accountable by meeting regularly

The most important thing is to make sure that you are consistent. If you can't find a friend or family member to do this with, then try to find someone with the same goal.

4. Celebrate reaching milestones by reflecting on your journey and plan for the next move ahead

Successful people have a habit of celebrating accomplishments.

Celebrate when you get those new clients. Feel inspired and positive about your progress and it will lead to more opportunity. Take note of your success but also your failures as well. It's not about failure, but the lessons learnt from it that often will lead to your biggest success.

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